RnR Gaming Casual Events
RnR Gaming supports many events for both its casual or competitive members. Casual events are meant to be a
break from every day Team Practices and give people a place to relax. These events are also open to
Community Affiliates giving us a place to socialize with other Communities
Fun Day
Fun day is exactly what is sounds like. Once a week we get together and just relax a bit from the serious side of
Halo and hang out and play goofy game types. Each Fun Night is themed ranging from driving maps to zombie madness
to whacky free-for-all tournaments (needler battles).
This event is open to everyone including RnR Member and Community Friends. With that being said, please use common sense when
inviting friends. We will hold you responsible for what your friends do while at an RnR event so if you don’t think that
they can behave maturely please don’t invite them.